Subject Index of Prayers and Collects

Key: 1: or 11: indicate traditional language or modern. Next number is the page number. The number in brackets indicates the number of the prayer/collect on that page.

Absent friends: 1: 147 (2), 151 (2)

Absolution: 1: 86 (2); 11: 102 (2), 462 (1)

If no priest present: 1: 296 (3), 299 (4); 11: 102 (3)

Abstinence (in Lent), for grace to use:
1: 260 (1)

Adoption, thanksgiving after: 11: 402 (2)

[Advent: 241-244]

Adversities, defence from: 1: 256 (3),
261 (1), 281 (1), 283 (3); 11: 281 (2)

Affliction, those in: 1: 146 (4).
See also Suffering

Age, see Elderly Person

Agricultural workers: 11: 333 (1)

Aid against all Perils, Collect for: 1: 97 (2)

All Saints, see Saints

All Sorts and Conditions of Men,
Collect for: 1: 99 (2)

Angels, ministry of: 1: 319 (4); 11: 320 (1)

[Annunciation: 307.]

[Ascension: 277-278]

[Ash Wednesday, Collect for: 259.]

Authority, those in: 1: 98 (4) [RI only];
11: 300 (1), 334 (3)

Baptism: 11: 392 (3), 393 (3, 4), 394 (3, 4)

– faithfulness to: 11: 250 (2)

– for all who are baptised into Christ:
11: 369 (3)

– for the family: 11: 375 (last)

– for godparents: 11: 370 (3)

– of a child: 11: 370 (1)

– of Christ: 250

Beatitudes: 11: 223-224

Beauty of God: 11: 284 (1)

Bereaved: 1: 147 (1); 11: 482, 493 (2, 3, 4), 499 (last), 501, 505 (1, 2), 511 (2)

– for the comfort of the Scriptures: 11:
515 (last)

– for courage to bear grief: 11: 514 (1)

– after miscarriage or stillbirth: 11: 512 (3)

– those who have lost a child: 1: 479
(1); 11: 507 (2), 511 (2, 3)

Bible, study of: 1: 195 (1), 297 (1); 11:
297 (2)

– thanksgiving for: 11: 153 (4), 492

– Bible Sunday: 1: 297 (1); 11: 297 (2)

– See also Gospel

Birth of a child, thanksgiving after: 11:
402 (1)

Bishops: 1: 539 (1). See also Ministry,
and Ordination

Blessed Virgin Mary:

– Annunciation to: 307

– Birth of: 318

– example of: 11: 244 (2), 318 (5)

– Visitation of: 310

Burial of Dead. See Funerals, and
Faithful Departed

Business world: 11: 333 (2)


– for faithfulness to: 11: 250 (2)

– for worthiness of: 11: 254 (2), 390 (2)

– See also Vocation

Charity, the gift of: 1: 257 (2)

Christ, example of: 1: 264 (4), 274 (1);
11: 242 (3), 265 (1)

– continual presence of: 11: 277 (2)

– faith in the presence of: 11: 278 (4)

Christian Unity: See Unity, Christian

[Christmas: 245-248]

Church: 149-151. 1: 270 (2), 285 (1),
292 (3); 11: 142, 285 (2), 292 (4),
301 (4), 335 (1, 2, 3)

– godliness of: 1: 255 (4)

– good works of: 1: 255 (4)

– in Ireland: 1: 149 (5). See also Ireland

– officials in: 1: 196 (1)

– protection of: 1: 255 (4), 293 (1)

– renewal of: 11: 149 (4)

– thanksgiving for blessings of: 1: 153
(2); 11: 153 (2)

– true religion of: 1: 254 (1)

– the whole church, living and departed: 11: 485 (1, 2), 492 (2)

– witness of: 11: 458 (last)

– See also Ministry

[Circumcision of Jesus: 303]

Citizenship, Christian: 1: 145 (1)

– of God’s kingdom: 11: 394 (last)

Clergy: 1: 195 (3). See also Ministry

– Clergy and People, Prayer for: 1: 99 (2)

Comfort of the Holy Spirit: 1: 278 (3)

Coming: See Second Coming

Commandments: 1: 194 (last)

– delight in: 11: 287 (3)

– keeping of: 11: 294 (3)

– for grace to keep: 1: 276 (1), 282 (1),
289 (3); 11: 256 (1), 282 (2), 289 (4), 341 (1)

Commendation, Prayer of: 11: 454-455

Commerce: 11: 333 (2)

Committal, at burial and cremation: 11: 487 (last). See also Funerals

Common Collect: 11: 164

Communion: See Holy Communion

Communion of Saints: See Saints

Community: 11: 140

Concluding prayer: 11: 152 (6), 153 (1)

Confession: 1: 259 (1); 11: 160, 259 (2),
340 (last)

– General, at Holy Communion: 1; 185
(2); 11: 202 (last)

– General, at Morning and Evening
Prayer: 1: 86 (1); 11: 102 (1)

Confirmation, Collect for: 11: 384 (1)

– candidates for: 1: 146 (2)

Consolation, in bereavement: 11: 481,
493 (2). See also Bereaved

Creation: 11: 139, 256 (4), 283 (4), 296
(1, 5), 301 (4)

Cremation. See Committal, and

Crisis, in time of: 1: 261 (1); 11: 262 (5), 493 (4)

Cross, Way of the: 11: 265 (4), 266 (3)

Dáil: 1: 98 (4). [RI only]

Daily life: See Life, daily

Danger, in time of: 1: 251 (3), 252 (2),
283 (3); 11: 255 (2)

Darkness, in time of spiritual: 1: 241
(1), 244 (1); 11: 241 (2), 493 (4)

Deacons. See Ministry, and Ordination

Dead: See Faithful Departed

Death: See Dying, and Faithful

Dedication, of church or other building: 1: 328 (1); 11: 328 (2)

Disaster, in time of: 11: 300 (2)

Discipleship, Christian: 1: 264 (4); 11:
265 (1, 2), 276 (3)

Discipline, self-: 1: 260 (1); 11: 260 (2)

Distress, those in: 1: 146 (4). See also

Doctors: 1: 146 (3); 11: 452 (2). See also

Doubt, in time of: 1: 314 (2); 11: 314 (3)

Dying: 11: 494 (5), 495 (last)

– preparation for: 454-455

[Eastertide: 272-278]

Eastern Church, Prayer of: 1: 151 (2)

Elderly Person: 11: 453 (1)

[Ember Days and Weeks: 1: 195 (5),
196 (1, 2, 3); 11: 331-332.]

Enemies: 1: 325 (1); 11: 325 (2)

– defence against: 1: 264 (1)

[Epiphany: 1: 249-252; 11: 249-252, 392.]

Equality: 11: 256 (4), 279 (4)

Error, those in: 1: 275 (1); 11: 261 (2)

Eternity: See Life, eternal, and Grace

Eucharist: See Holy Communion

European Union: 11: 145 (3)

Evangelism: 11: 279 (1), 291 (2), 296 (1)

Evening: 11: 453 (2, 3, 4), 494 (last)

– Evening Prayer, Collects for: 1: 97 (1,
2, 3); 11: 115

– Common Collect: 11: 164

– Compline, Collects for: 1: 161 (1-5)

Evil, to overcome: 1: 261 (1), 294 (2),
300 (3); 11: 262 (2), 271 (2), 301 (1)

Faith: 11: 294 (3), 299 (2), 484 (last)

– An Act of: 11: 450 (1)

– For steadfastness in: 1: 281 (1); 11:
281 (2), 292 (4)

– For faith in Christ’s presence: 11:
278 (4)

Faith, Hope and Charity: 1: 291 (4)

Faithful Departed, farewell to: 11: 486
(1), 494 (1)

– farewell to a child: 11: 507 (1, 2)

– consolation of memories of: 11: 501

– hope of reunion with: 11: 485 (1), 492 (2, 3), 494 (3, 4), 500 (2)

– hope of the resurrection for: 11: 482
(1), 485 (2), 494 (1), 502 (last)

– Prayer for Complete Happiness: 1:
474 (3)

– remembrance of: 11: 492 (2)

– thanksgiving for life of: 11: 491 (1),
492 (2, 3, 4), 493 (1), 500 (2)

– thanksgiving for peace and joy of the souls of: 11: 501 (last)

– See also Funeral Home, prayers for
use in

Faithfulness: 1: 152 (3)

Family, the: 11: 263 (1), 403 (last), 451 (2)

– family life: 11: 263 (1)

– family and friends: 11: 451 (2)

– of the nations: 11: 300 (1, 2)

– thanksgiving for the joys of family
life: 11: 426 (last)

Farmers: 11: 333 (1)

Fear, for courage to overcome: 11: 335
(1). See also Trouble

Fellowship, Christian: 11: 292 (2, 4)

Forgiveness: 1: 259 (1), 290 (2), 296 (3), 299 (4); II 102 (last), 259 (2), 290 (3)

Friends: 11: 451 (2). See also Absent

Funeral Home, prayers for use in: 514-

Funerals: 1: 473-475, 11: 491-496

– of a child: 1: 477-479, 11: 510-513

– after cremation: 11: 502

– eve of: 11: 498-500

– prior to (at funeral home or mortuary): 11: 514-515

– the Burial Collect: 1: 474 (last), 11:
482 (last)

General Synod: See Synod

Gifts of the Spirit: See Holy Spirit

Glory of God: 11: 284 (1)

God be in my head: 11: 450 (last), 489,

Godparents: See Baptism


[Good Friday: 270]

Gospel, spread of: 11: 252 (3), 279 (3),
334 (1)

– living the Gospel: 1: 297 (1), 11: 279 (1), 297 (2)

– preaching the Gospel: 1: 195 (3); 11:
279 (1, 3)

– witness to: 11: 458 (last)

– to dispel ignorance and unbelief: 11:
252 (3)

– See also Bible

Government: 1: 98 (2) [NI only]; 1: 98
(3), 11: 98 (4) [RI only]

Grace: 1: 289 (3), 293 (4), 307 (1). 11:
251 (1), 256 (1), 289 (4), 307 (2)

– for a married couple: 11: 418 (last)

– to live in the light of eternity, prayers for: 11: 494 (1, 2)

– Collect for: 1: 96 (last)

– and Protection, Collect for: 1: 97 (3)

Guidance: 1: 250 (1), 277 (1), 284 (2),
295 (1). 11: 114 (3, 4), 280 (2),
284 (3), 295 (2)

Happiness, Prayer for Complete: 1:
474 (3). See also Faithful Departed

Harvest: 1: 147 (5), 329 (1, 2). 11: 329 (3)

– thanksgiving for: i: 329 (1, 2), ii: 329 (3)

Healing: 1: 146 (3, 4). 11: 146 (5),
300 (2), 463 (1)

– of memories: 11: 491 (3)

– wholeness of life: 11: 300 (2)

– See also Suffering

Health, thanks for hope of renewed: 11: 452 (4)

Help: 1: 194 (1), 195 (2), 251 (3). 11: 460 (last)

High Court of Parliament, Collect for:
1: 98 (2). [NI only]

Holy Communion:

– preparation for: i: 180 (2), 11: 201 (last), 441 (last)

– at preparation of the Table: 11: 208

– before receiving: 1: 187 (last). 11: 207
(1), 441 (last)

– after receiving: 11: 220 (last), 221 (1)

– thanksgiving for institution of: 1:
268 (1). 11: 269 (3)

Holy Orders: See Ordination

Holy Scriptures: See Bible

Holy Spirit: 1: 257 (2). 11: 283 (1), 458

– comfort of: 1: 278 (3)

– fruit of: 11: 288 (2)

– gifts of: 11: 296 (1), 390

– guidance of : 1: 295 (1), 330 (2). 11:
114 (4), 295 (2), 330 (3), 384 (1)

– light of: 1: 330 (2). 11: 330 (3)

– strength of: 11: 254 (2), 384 (1)

[Holy Week: 265-271]

Hope, to strengthen: 11: 484 (last)

Hospitals: 1: 146 (5). See also Healing

Humanity: 1: 99 (2). 11: 263 (1), 318 (5)

Humble Access, Prayer of: 1: 187 (last). 11: 207 (1)

Humility: 1: 264 (4), 11: 265 (1)

Illness, in time of: 11: 451 (4). See also

Industry: 11: 333 (2)

Infirmaries: 1: 146 (5). See also

Ignorance, to dispel: 11: 252 (3)

Inauguration of a new ministry: 11: 332 (2)

Institution of a new ministry: 11:
332 (2)

Ireland: 1: 145 (4)

– the church in: 1: 149 (5)

– See also Saints, Irish

Jesus Prayer: 451 (1)

Journey, Christian: 11: 286 (2)

Joy, everlasting: 11: 294 (3)


– a right: 1: 330 (2). 11: 330 (3)

– preparation for Day of: 1: 241 (1), 243 (1). 11: 241 (2), 242 (3), 243 (2)

Justice: 11: 327 (2)

Kingdom of God: 11: 394 (last), 485 (1)

– to be a living sign of: 11: 296 (5)

Kingship of Christ: 11: 301 (4)

[Kyries, Penitential: 224-236]

Land, those who work on: 11: 333 (1)

Law of God, observance of: 1: 194
(last). 11: 287 (3)

[Lent: 259-265]

Lenten fast: 1: 260 (1). 11: 260 (2)

Life, daily: 1: 152 (1). 11: 114 (4), 263 (1)

– hope of eternal: 1: 300 (3). 11: 301 (1),
502 (last)

– new life in Christ: 11: 273 (4)

Light of Christ: 1: 248 (1). 11: 248 (2)

Litany, The: 1: 170. 11: 175

– the Ordination Litanies: 11: 585-590

Lord’s Day, Prayer for Right Use of: 1:
151 (last)

Lord’s Prayer: 1: 86. 11: 112

Love, for the gift of: 1: 285 (4). 11: 283
(1), 286 (1)

– of God, for: 11: 341 (last)

– of God’s name: 1: 286 (3). 11: 286 (4)

– the command to love: 11: 269 (1)

Mankind: See Humanity

Marriage: 11: 424-427

– after a civil marriage: 11: 433 (last),

– for Christian witness in: 11: 426 (3)

– for the gift of children: 1: 412 (2). 11:
426 (2)

– for the married couple: 11: 422 (2),
424 (last), 425 (1-4), 426 (1). 427 (1)

– the Marriage Collect: 11: 418

– Prayer for Blessing: 1: 408 (last)

– Prayer for Divine Blessing: 1: 412 (1)

– Prayer for Fruitfulness: 1: 412 (2)

– Prayer for Holy Married Life: 1: 412 (3)

Mary: See St Mary

Meeting, church: 11: 330 (4)

Mercy: 1: 262 (1), 284 (2), 290 (2). 11:
284 (3), 290 (3)

Ministry, general: 1: 196 (1). 11: 270 (2), 285 (2)

– ordained; 1: 195 (3), 243 (1). 11: 243 (2)

– Ministry of all Christian People,
Collect for: 1i: 331 (2)

– inauguration of a new ministry: 11:
332 (2)

– increase of the ministry: 1: 148 (3)

– to the sick: 11: 452 (3)

– for vocations to Holy Orders: 11: 332 (1)

– See also Ordination

Miscarriage, in the event of: 11: 512

Mission: 11: 334 (1, 2)

– abroad: 1: 150 (3)

– parochial: 1: 151 (1)

Monarch [NI only]

– the Royal Family: 1: 98

– the Queen: 1: 146 (1)

– Prayer for the Queen’s Majesty: 1: 97

Money: See Wealth

Morning Prayer, Collects for: 1: 96. 11:

[Mothering Sunday: 263]

Mourn, those who: See Bereaved

[Naming of Jesus: 303]

Nations of the World: 1: 195 (4). 11:
279 (4), 300 (1, 2), 334 (3)

– mission to: 11: 279 (1)

Need, those in: 1: 151 (2). 11: 144, 329 (3)

New Year: 1: 147 (4)

Night: See Evening, Compline

Nominators, Parochial: 1: 149 (1)

Northern Ireland Assembly [NI only]: 1: 98 (3).

Nurses: 1: 146 (3). 11: 452 (2). See also

Oireachtas, Houses of: 1: 99 (1). [RI only]

Ordination: 1: 195 (5). 11: 331 (3), 332 (1)

– on day of: 1: 148 (2). 11: 331 (3)

– for those to be admitted to Holy
Orders: 1: 148 (1)

– for those to be ordained: 11: 331 (3)

Pain, in time of: 11: 451 (4). See also

[Palm Sunday: 264-265]

Pardon: 1: 152 (2), 296 (3). 11: 102 (3)
See also Forgiveness

Parents: 11: 370 (2), 403 (1)

Parish: 1: 150 (2)

– during a vacancy: 1: 149 (1)

Parish organisations: 11: 330 (4)

Parliament: 1: 98 (2). [NI only]

[Passiontide: 264-271]

Pastoral Care: 1: 151 (2)

Patience: 1: 264 (4). 11: 265 (1)

Patronal Festival: See Dedication

Peace: 1: 97 (1), 296 (3), 250 (4). 11:
102 (3), 115 (1), 334 (3), 335 (2)

– bond of: 11: 283 (1), 301 (4)

– inner: 11: 293 (5)

– of mind: 11: 451 (3)

– of the world: 1: 145 (2), 195 (4), 285
(1). 11: 300 (1, 2), 334 (3)

– Collect for, at Morning Prayer: 1: 96
(1). 11: 114 (1)

– Collect for, at Evening Prayer: 1: 97
(1). 11: 115 (1)

Penitence: See Confession

[Pentecost: 279]

Perils, Collect for Aid against all: 1: 97 (2)

Persecution, in time of: 1: 266 (2), 325 (1).
11: 266 (3), 267 (2), 325 (2)

Persecutors: See Enemies

Personal Relationships: 11: 141

Physicians: 1: 146 (3)

Politicians: 1: 98 (2) [NI only]. 1: 98 (4) [RI only]. See also Government

Prayers, answering of: 1: 288 (4), 299
(1). 11: 152 (6), 153 (1), 289 (1)

– for acceptance of: 11: 341 (1), 460 (last)

Preaching the Gospel: See Gospel

Preparation for Holy Communion,
Prayer of: 11: 201 (last)

Presbyters: See Ministry, and

Presence of Christ: 11: 277 (2), 278 (4) Presence of God: 11: 293 (5), 442 (1)

– Prayer for Recollection of: 1: 114 (4),
152 (1)

[Presentation of Christ: 253]

President, the: 1: 98. [RI only] See also

Priesthood. See Ministry, and

Protection: 1: 152 (4), 194 (last), 284 (2). 11: 284 (3)

– from adversity: 1: 256 (3), 261 (1). 11:
114 (1)

– from danger: 1: 251 (3), 252 (2). 11:
114 (2), 255 (2)

– from enemies: 1: 96 (1), 264 (1).
ii: 114 (1)

– from harm: 1: 292 (3), 295 (4)

– of Christ: 11: 275 (3)

– of God’s providence: 1: 282 (4)

– for grace and protection: 1: 97 (3)

Providence of God: 1: 287 (2)

– for protection of: 1: 282 (4)

Purity: 1: 300 (3). 11: 301 (1)

– Collect for: 1: 180 (2). 11: 201 (last)

Queen [NI only]: See Monarch

Readiness to live in the light of eternity. See Grace

Recollection of Presence of God,
Prayer for: 1: 152 (1)

Reconciliation: 11: 335 (1, 3)

– work of the church: 11: 291 (2), 462 (1)

Religion: See True Religion

Renewal, spiritual: 11: 251 (1), 257 (4),
392 (last)

Repentance: 1: 259 (1). 11: 259 (2)

Resurrection, hope of: 1: 271 (1). 11: 271 (2), 495 (last)

– for a child who has died: 11: 513 (2)

Riches: See Wealth

Righteousness: 11: 275 (2)

[Rogation Days: 1: 147 (last). 11: 333

– Rogation Sunday: 277]

Royal Family [NI only]: See Monarch

Sabbath: See Lord’s Day

Sacraments, thanksgiving for: 11: 492
(last). See also Baptism, and Holy

Sadness, in time of: 11: 263 (1). See
also Bereaved


– communion of: 11: 484 (last), 485 (1,
2), 494 (3, 4), 513 (1)

– example of: 1: 298 (1). 11: 298 (2),
299 (2), 492 (last)

– fellowship with: 11: 299 (2), 492 (2)

– thanksgiving for: 11: 493 (1)

[All Saints: 298]

Irish Saints:

– [St Brigid: 304-305]

– [St Columba: 311]

– [St Patrick: 305-306]

St Chrysostom, Prayer of: 1: 100 (2)

St Mary, See Blessed Virgin Mary

St Patrick’s Breastplate: 11: 450 (2)

St Richard of Chichester, Prayer of: 11:
450 (3)

Schools, parish: 1: 150 (2)

Scripture: See Bible

Seafarers: 1: 147 (3). 11: 333 (1)

Seanad: 1: 98 (4). [RI only]

Second Coming, preparation for: 1: 241
(1), 243 (1). 11: 241 (2), 242 (3), 243 (2)

Service, Christian: 1: 274 (1), 291 (1).
11: 269 (1), 283 (4), 285 (2), 293 (5), 369 (3)

Sick: See Suffering

Sin, to die to: 1: 272 (2). 11: 273 (1). See also Confession

Sorrow: See Sadness

Spirit: See Holy Spirit, and Renewal,

St: See Saints

Stewardship: 1: 329 (1). 11: 329 (3)

Stillbirth, in the event of: 11: 512. See
also Bereavement

Stillness: 11: 442 (1)

Strength: 1: 252 (2)

Suffering: 1: 151 (2). 11: 143, 146 (5), 451 (4), 452 (1)

– for strength in: 11: 257 (3), 262 (5)

– ministry to the sick: 11: 452 (2, 3)

– of a sick child: 11: 451 (5)

Surgeons: 1: 146 (3)

Surgery, before: 11: 452 (1)

– thanksgiving after: 11: 452 (4)

– See also Suffering

Synod: 11: 330 (4)

– General Synod: 1: 150 (1)

– Collect for the Opening of: 1: 330 (2)

Temptation, in time of: 1: 252 (2), 288
(1), 294 (2). 11: 255 (2), 256 (1), 260 (2), 262 (2)


– an Act of: 11: 496

– a General (at Morning and Evening
Prayer): 1: 100 (1)

– for the Holy Scriptures: 1: 153 (4)

Treatment, before: 11: 452 (1)

– thanksgiving after: 11: 452 (4)

– See also Suffering

[Trinity: 281]

Trouble, in time of: 1: 261 (1), 281 (1).
11: 281 (2)

True religion: 1: 254 (1), 275 (1), 286 (3). 11: 261 (2), 286 (4)

Unbelief, to dispel: 11: 252 (3)

Unity, Christian: 1: 149 (2, 3). 11: 301 (4), 335 (1, 2, 3)

Vacancy of a Parish: 1: 149 (1)

– of a See: 1: 148 (4)

Vestry: 11: 330 (4)

Virgin Mary: See Blessed Virgin Mary

Vocation: 1: 270 (2). 11: 285 (2)

– for vocations to Holy Orders: 11: 332 (1)

– See also Calling, and Ministry

War, in time of or threat of: 11: 300 (1, 2)

Weakness, in time of: 1: 196 (2), 251 (3). 11: 251 (4)

Wealth, right attitude to: 1: 319 (1). 11:
319 (2)

Weddings: See Marriage

Wholeness: See Healing

Will of God, eagerness to do: 11: 296 (1)

Wisdom: 11: 257 (4)

Witness, Christian: 11: 279 (1, 3), 291 (2)

Word of God: 11: 115 (3)

– thanksgiving for: 11: 153 (4)

_ See also Bible

Word and Sacrament: 1: 195 (3)

Work, daily: 1: 195 (2). 11: 114 (3, 4)

– at sea: 11: 333 (1)

– on the land: 11: 333 (1)

Works, good: 1: 301 (3). 11: 302 (1)

– of God, to discern: 11: 256 (4)

World: 145

– needs of: 11: 300 (2)

– peace of: 1: 145 (2), 285 (1). 11: 334 (3)

– See also Nations of the World

Worship, preparation for: 11: 292 (1)

Year. See New Year