Venite 1 & 2*

Jubilate 3 & 4*

Easter Anthems 5 & 6*

Benedictus 7 & 8*

Benedicite 9 & 10*

Te Deum11 & 12*

Magnificat13 & 14*

Nunc Dimittis15 & 16*

Great and Wonderful17

Urbs Fortitudinis18*

Saviour of the World19

Bless the Lord20

Glory and Honour21

The Song of Christ’s Glory22

The Song of Isaiah23

The Song of Wisdom24

Ecce Nunc25

Cantate Domino26*

Deus Misereatur27*

A Song of the Light28*

* indicates that this is a traditional language canticle

Pointing of the Gloria Patri

Glory | beto the | Father,
and to the Son, | andto the | Holy | Spirit;
as it | was inthe be | ginning,
is now and ever shall be, | world without | end. A | men.


Glory to the Father, and | to the | Son,
and | to the | Holy | Spirit;
as it was in the be | ginning, is | now,
and shall be for | ever. | A | men.

In the pointed canticles indicates that the verse should be sung to the second part of an Anglican double chant.

  1. Venite Psalm 95
    1. O come let us sing | outto the | Lord;
      let us shout in triumph to the | rock of | our sal | vation.
    2. Let us come before his | face with | thanksgiving
      and cry | outto him | joyfullyin | psalms.
    3. For the Lord is a | great | God
      and a great | king above | all | gods.
    4. In his hand are the | depthsof the | earth
      and the peaks of the | mountainsare | his | also.
    5. The sea is his and | he | made it,
      his hands | moulded | dry | land.
    6. Come let us worship and | bow | down
      and kneel be | fore the | Lord our | maker.
    7. For he is the | Lord our | God;
      we are his | peopleand the | sheep ofhis | pasture.
    8. Today if only you would | hear his | voice,
      do not harden your | heartsas you | didin the | wilderness;
    9. When your | forebears | tested me,
      put me to the proof though | they had | seen my | works.
    10. Forty years long I loathed that gene | rationand | said,
      It is a people who err in their hearts,
      for they | do not | know my | ways;
    11. Of whom I | sworein my | wrath,
      They | shall not | entermy | rest.

Glory …

  1. VENITE Psalm 95 Traditional
    1. O come let us | sing unto the | Lord;
      let us heartily rejoice in the | strength of | our sal | vation.
    2. Let us come before his | presencewith | thanksgiving
      and show ourselves | glad in | him with | psalms.
    3. For the Lord is a | great | God
      and a great | King above | all | gods.
    4. In his hand are all the | cornersof the | earth
      and the strength of the | hills is | his | also.
    5. The sea is his and | he | made it,
      and his | hands pre | pared thedry | land.
    6. O come let us worship and | fall | down
      and kneel be | fore the | Lord our | Maker.
    7. For he is the | Lord our | God;
      and we are the people of his pasture, | and the | sheep ofhis | hand.
    8. Today if ye will | hear his | voice:
      harden not your hearts, as in the provocation
      and as in the day of temp | tation | in the | wilderness;
    9. When your | fathers | tempted me,
      provèd | me and | saw my | works.
    10. Forty years long was I grieved with this gene | rationand | said,
      It is a people that do err in their hearts,
      for they | have not | known my | ways;
    11. Unto whom I sware | in my | wrath,
      that they should not | enter | intomy | rest.

Glory …

  1. JUBILATE Psalm 100
    1. O shout to the Lord in triumph | all the | earth;
      serve the Lord with gladness
      and come before his | face with | songs of | joy.
    2. Know that the Lord | he is | God;
      it is he who has made us and we are his
      we are his | peopleand the | sheep ofhis | pasture.
    3. Come into his gates with thanksgiving
      and into his | courts with | praise;
      give thanks to him and | bless his | holy | name.
    4. For the Lord is good
      his loving mercy | is for | ever,
      his faithfulness through | out all | gene | rations.

Glory …

  1. JUBILATE Psalm 100 Traditional
    1. O be joyful in the Lord | all ye | lands;
      serve the Lord with gladness
      and come before his | presence | with a | song.
    2. Be ye sure that the Lord | he is | God;
      it is he that hath made us and not we ourselves
      we are his people | and the | sheep ofhis | pasture.
    3. O go your way into his gates with thanksgiving
      and into his | courts with | praise;
      be thankful unto him and speak | good of | his | name.
    4. For the Lord is gracious, his mercy is | ever | lasting,
      and his truth endureth from gene | rationto | gene | ration.

Glory …

    1 Corinthians 5: 7,8; Romans 6: 9-11; 1 Corinthians 15: 20-22
    1. Christ our passover has been | sacrificed | for us,
      therefore let us | cele | brate the | feast,
    2. Not with the old leaven of cor | ruptionand | wickedness,
      but with the unleavened | bread ofsinc | erityand | truth.
    3. Christ, once raised from the dead | dies no | more;
      death has no | more do | minion | over him.
    4. In dying, he died to sin | once for | all;
      in | living,he | lives to | God.
    5. See yourselves therefore as | dead to | sin;
      and alive to God in | Jesus | Christ our | Lord.
    6. Christ has been | raisedfrom the | dead:
      the | firstfruitsof | those who | sleep.
    7. For as by | man came | death,
      by man has come also the resur | rection | of the | dead.
    8. For as in | Adamall | die,
      even so in Christ shall | all be | made a | live.

Glory …

  1. THE EASTER ANTHEMS Traditional
    1 Corinthians 5: 7,8; Romans 6: 9-11; 1 Corinthians 15: 20-22
    1. Christ our passover is | sacrificed | for us,
      therefore | let us | keep the | feast,
    2. Not with the old leaven
      nor with the leaven of | maliceand | wickedness:
      but with the unleavened bread | of sin | cerityand | truth.
    3. Christ being raised from the dead | diethno | more;
      death hath no | more do | minion | over him.
    4. For in that he died, he died unto | sin | once;
      but in that he liveth, he | liveth | unto | God.
    5. Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed | unto | sin;
      but alive unto God through | Jesus | Christ our | Lord.
    6. Christ is | risenfrom the | dead:
      and become the | first-fruitsof | them that | slept.
    7. For since by | man came | death,
      by man came also the resur | rection | of the | dead.
    8. For as in Adam | all | die,
      even so in Christ shall | all be | made a | live.

Glory …

  1. BENEDICTUS The Song of ZechariahLuke 1: 68-79 ELLC
    1. Blessèd be the Lord the | God of | Israel,
      who has come to his | peopleand | set them | free.
    2. The Lord has raised up for us a | mighty | saviour,
      born of the | house ofhis | servant | David.
    3. Through the holy prophets God | promisedof | old
      to save us from our enemies,
      from the | hands of | those who | hate us,
    4. to show | mercyto our | forebears,
      and to re | memberhis | holy | covenant.
    5. This was the oath God swore to our | father | Abraham:
      to set us | freefrom the | hand ofour | enemies.
    6. Free to worship him with | out | fear,
      holy and righteous before him | all the | days ofour | life.
    7. And you, child, shall be called the prophet of the | Most | High,
      for you will go before the | Lordto pre | pare his | way,
    8. To give his people knowledge | of sal | vation
      by the for | givenessof | all their | sins.
    9. In the tender compassion | of our | God
      the dawn from on | high shall | break up | on us.
    10. To shine on those who dwell in darknessS
      and the | shadowof | death,
      and to guide our feet | intothe | way of | peace.

Glory …

  1. BENEDICTUS The Song of ZechariahLuke 1: 68-79 Traditional
    1. Blessèd be the Lord | God of | Israel,
      for he hath visited | and re | deemed his | people,
    2. And hath raised up a mighty sal | vation | for us
      in the | house ofhis | servant | David;
    3. As he spake by the mouth of his | holy | Prophets
      which have been | since the | world be | gan;
    4. That we should be | savedfrom our | enemies,
      and from the | hands of | all that | hate us,
    5. To perform the mercy | promisedto our | forefathers,
      and to re | memberhis | holy | covenant;
    6. To perform the oath which he sware to our | forefather | Abraham:
      that | he would | give | us,
    7. That we being delivered out of the | hand ofour | enemies
      might serve | him with | out | fear,
    8. In holiness and | righteousness be | fore him
      all the | days | of our | life.
    9. And thou, child, shalt be called the | Prophetof the | Highest,
      for thou shalt go before the face of the | Lordto pre | pare his | ways;
    10. To give knowledge of salvation | untohis | people,
      for the re | mission | of their | sins,
    11. Through the tender mercy | of our | God
      whereby the day-spring from on | high hath | visited | us,
    12. To give light to them that sit in darkness
      and in the | shadowof | death,
      and to guide our feet | intothe | way of | peace.

Glory …

  1. BENEDICITE The Song of the Three 35-65
    1. Bless the Lord | all cre | ated things:
      sing his | praiseand ex | alt himfor | ever.
    2. Bless the | Lord you | heavens:
      sing his | praiseand ex | alt himfor | ever.
    3. Bless the Lord you | angelsof the | Lord:
      bless the | Lord all | you his | hosts.
    4. Bless the Lord you waters a | bove the | heavens:
      sing his | praiseand ex | alt himfor | ever.
    5. Bless the Lord | sun and | moon:
      bless the | Lord you | stars of | heaven.
    6. Bless the Lord all | rain and | dew:
      sing his | praiseand ex | alt himfor | ever.
    7. Bless the Lord all | winds that | blow:
      bless the | Lord you | fire and | heat.
    8. Bless the Lord scorching wind and | bitter | cold:
      sing his | praiseand ex | alt himfor | ever.
    9. Bless the Lord dews and | falling | snows:
      bless the | Lord you | nights and | days.
    10. Bless the Lord | light and | darkness:
      sing his | praiseand ex | alt himfor | ever.
    11. Bless the Lord | frost and | cold:
      bless the | Lord you | ice and | snow.
    12. Bless the Lord | lightningsand | clouds:
      sing his | praiseand ex | alt himfor | ever.
    13. O let the earth | bless the | Lord;
      bless the | Lord you | mountainsand | hills.
    14. Bless the Lord all that | growsin the | ground:
      sing his | praiseand ex | alt himfor | ever.
    15. Bless the | Lord you | springs:
      bless the | Lord you | seas and | rivers.
    16. Bless the Lord you whales and all that | swimin the | waters:
      sing his | praiseand ex | alt himfor | ever.
    17. Bless the Lord all | birdsof the | air:
      bless the | Lord you | beasts and | cattle.
    18. Bless the Lord all | menon the | earth:
      sing his | praiseand ex | alt himfor | ever.
    19. O people of God | bless the | Lord:
      bless the | Lord you | priestsof the | Lord.
    20. Bless the Lord you | servantsof the | Lord:
      sing his | praiseand ex | alt himfor | ever.
    21. Bless the Lord all men of | upright | spirit:
      bless the Lord you that are | holyand | humblein | heart.
    22. Bless the Father the Son and the | Holy | Spirit:
      sing his | praiseand ex | alt himfor | ever.
  2. BENEDICITEThe Song of the Three 35-65 Traditional
    1. O all ye works of the Lord | blessye the | Lord:
      praise him and | magnify | him for | ever.
    2. O ye Angels of the Lord | blessye the | Lord:
      O ye | Heavens | blessye the | Lord.
    3. O ye Waters that be above the Firmament | blessye the | Lord.
      O all ye Powers of the | Lord | blessye the | Lord.
    4. O ye Sun and Moon | blessye the | Lord:
      O ye Stars of | Heaven | blessye the | Lord.
    5. O ye Showers and Dew | blessye the | Lord:
      O ye Winds of | God | blessye the | Lord.
    6. O ye Fire and Heat | blessye the | Lord:
      O ye Winter and | Summer | blessye the | Lord.
    7. O ye Dews and Frosts | blessye the | Lord:
      O ye Frost and | Cold | blessye the | Lord.
    8. O ye Ice and Snow | blessye the | Lord:
      O ye Nights and | Days | blessye the | Lord.
    9. O ye Light and Darkness | blessye the | Lord:
      O ye Lightnings and | Clouds | blessye the | Lord.
    10. O let the Earth | bless the | Lord:
      yea let it praise him and | magnify | him for | ever.
    11. O ye Mountains and Hills | blessye the | Lord:
      O all ye Green Things upon the | Earth | blessye the | Lord.
    12. O ye Wells | blessye the | Lord:
      O ye Seas and | Floods | blessye the | Lord.
    13. O ye Whales and all that move in the Waters | blessye the | Lord:
      O all ye Fowls of the | Air | blessye the | Lord.
    14. O all ye Beasts and Cattle | blessye the | Lord:
      O ye Children of | Men | blessye the | Lord.
    15. O let Israel | bless the | Lord:
      praise him and | magnify | him for | ever.
    16. O ye Priests of the Lord | blessye the | Lord:
      O ye Servants of the | Lord | blessye the | Lord.
    17. O ye Spirits and Souls of the Righteous | blessye the | Lord:
      O ye holy and humble Men of | heart | blessye the | Lord.
    18. O Ananias, Azarias, and Misael | blessye the | Lord:
      praise him and | magnify | him for | ever.

Glory …


Part 1

  1. We praise you, O God,
    we acclaim you | as the | Lord;
    all creation worships you,
    the | Father | ever | lasting.
  2. To you all angels, all the | powers of | heaven,
    the cherubim and seraphim, | sing in | endless | praise:
  3. Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of | power and | might,
    heaven and | earth are | full ofyour | glory.
  4. The glorious company of a | postles | praise you;
    the noble | fellowshipof | prophets | praise you.
  5. The white-robed army of | martyrs | praise you;
    throughout the world, the | holy | Church ac | claims you:
  6. Father, of majesty unbounded,
    your true and only Son, worthy | of all | praise,
    the Holy Spirit, | advo | cate and | guide.

Part 2

  1. You, Christ, are the | King of | glory,
    the e | ternal | Son ofthe | Father.
  2. When you took our flesh to | set us | free,
    you humbly | chose the | Virgin’s | womb.
  3. You overcame the | sting of | death
    and opened the kingdom of | heavento | all be | lievers.
  4. You are seated at God’s right | hand in | glory:
    we believe that you will | come to | be our | judge.
  5. Come then, Lord, and | help your | people,
    bought with the | price of | your own | blood,
  6. and bring us | with your | saints
    to | glory | ever | lasting.

Part 3

  1. Save your people, Lord, and | bless yourin | heritance:
    govern and up | hold them | now and | always.
  2. Day by | day we | bless you:
    we | praise your | name for | ever.
  3. Keep us today, Lord, | from all | sin:
    have | mercyon us, | Lord, have | mercy.
  4. Lord, show us your | love and | mercy,
    for we | put our | trust in | you.
  5. In you, Lord, | is our | hope,
    let us | neverbe | put to | shame.
  1. TE DEUM Traditional

Part 1

  1. We praise | thee O | God,
    we acknowledge | thee to | be the | Lord.
  2. All the earth doth | worship | thee,
    the | Father | ever | lasting.
  3. To thee all angels cry aloud
    the heavens and all the | powers there | in,
    to thee Cherubim and Seraphim con | tinual | ly do | cry,
  4. Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord | Godof Sa | baoth:
    heaven and earth are full of the | majesty | of thy | glory.
  5. The glorious company of the apostles | praise | thee;
    the goodly fellowship of the | prophets | praise | thee.
  6. The | noble | army of | martyrs | praise | thee.
  7. The | holy | Church
    throughout all the world | doth ac | knowledge | thee;
  8. The Father of an | infinite | majesty,
    thine honourable, true, and only Son,
    also the | Holy | Spiritthe | Comforter.

Part 2

  1. Thou art the King of | gloryO | Christ.
    Thou art the ever | lasting | Son ofthe | Father.
  2. When thou tookest upon thee to de | liver | man,
    thou didst not ab | hor the | Virgin’s | womb.
  3. When thou hadst overcome the | sharpnessof | death,
    thou didst open the kingdom of | heavento | all be | lievers.
  4. Thou sittest at the right | hand of | God,
    in the | glory | of the | Father.
  5. We be | lieve that | thou shalt | come to | be our | judge.
  6. We therefore pray thee | help thy | servants,
    whom thou hast re | deemedwith thy | precious | blood.
  7. Make them to be numbered | with thy | saints
    in | glory | ever | lasting.

Part 3

  1. O Lord, save thy people and | bless thine | heritage:
    govern them and | lift them | up for | ever.
  2. Day by day we | magnify | thee:
    and we worship thy Name ever, | world with | out | end.
  3. Vouch | safe, O | Lord,
    to | keep usthis | day without | sin.
  4. O Lord, have | mercyup | on us,
    have | mercyup | on | us.
  5. O Lord, let thy mercy | lightenup | on us,
    as our | trust | is in | thee.
  6. O Lord, in | theehave I | trusted:
    let me | never | be con | founded.
  1. MAGNIFICAT The Song of the Virgin MaryLuke 1: 46-55 ELLC
    1. My soul proclaims the | greatnessof the | Lord,
      my spirit re | joicesin | God my | Saviour,
    2. who has looked with favour on his | lowly | servant;
      from this day all gene | rationswill | call me | blessèd;
    3. the Almighty has done | great things | for me
      and | holy | is his | name.
    4. God has mercy on | those who | fear him,
      from gene | rationto | gene | ration.
    5. The Lord has shown | strengthwith his | arm
      and scattered the | proud in | their con | ceit,
    6. casting down the mighty | from their | thrones
      and | lifting | up the | lowly.
    7. God has filled the hungry with | good | things
      and sent the | rich a | way | empty.
    8. He has come to the aid of his | servant | Israel
      to re | memberthe | promise of | mercy,
    9. The promise | made toour | forebears,
      to Abraham | and his | childrenfor | ever.

Glory …

  1. MAGNIFICAT The Song of the Virgin MaryLuke 1: 46-55
    1. My soul doth | magnify the | Lord,
      and my spirit hath re | joiced in | God my | Saviour.
    2. For | hehath re | garded
      the lowliness | of his | hand | maiden.
    3. For be | hold from | henceforth
      all gener | ationsshall | call me | blessèd.
    4. For he that is mighty hath | magnified | me,
      and | holy | is his | Name.
    5. And his mercy is on | them that | fear him
      through | out all | gene | rations
    6. He hath showèd | strengthwith his | arm,
      he hath scattered the proud, in the imagin | ation | of their | hearts.
    7. He hath put down the mighty | from their | seat
      and hath ex | altedthe | humbleand | meek.
    8. He hath filled the hungry with | good | things
      and the rich | he hathsent | emptya | way.
    9. He remembering his mercy hath holpen his | servant | Israel,
      as he promised to our forefathers, Abraham | and his | seed for | ever.

Glory …

  1. NUNC DIMITTIS The Song of SimeonLuke 2: 29-32 ELLC
    1. Now, Lord, you let your servant | go in | peace:
      your | word has | been ful | filled.
    2. My own eyes have | seen thesal | vation
      which you have prepared in the | sight of | every | people.
    3. A light to re | veal youto the | nations
      and the | gloryof your | people | Israel.

Glory …

  1. NUNC DIMITTIS The Song of SimeonLuke 2: 29-32
    1. Lord, now lettest thou thy servant de | part in | peace:
      ac | cording | to thy | word.
    2. For mine eyes have seen | thy sal | vation
      which thou hast prepared be | fore the | face ofall | people;
    3. To be a light to | lightenthe | Gentiles
      and to be the glory of thy | people | Isra | el.

Glory …

  1. GREAT AND WONDERFULRevelation 15: 3,4 and 5: 13b
    1. Great and wonderful are your deeds Lord | God,the Al | mighty:
      just and true are your | ways O | Kingof the | nations.
    2. Who shall not revere and praise your | name O | Lord?
      for | you a | lone are | holy.
    3. All nations shall come and worship | in your | presence:
      for your just | dealingshave | been re | vealed.
    4. To him who sits on the throne and | to the | Lamb
      be praise and honour, glory and might,
      for ever and | ever. | A | men.
  2. URBS FORTITUDINISIsaiah 26: 1-4,7-8
    1. We have a | strong | city:
      salvation will God ap | point for | walls and | bulwarks.
    2. Open | ye the | gates:
      that the righteous nation which keepeth the | truth may | enter | in.
    3. Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace
      whose mind is | stayed on | thee
      be | cause he | trustethin | thee.
    4. Trust ye in the | Lord for | ever:
      for our rock of | ages | is the | Lord.
    5. The way of the | just is | uprightness;
      thou that art upright dost di | rect the | pathof the | just.
    6. Yea in the way of thy judgments O Lord have we | waitedfor | thee;
      the desire of our soul is to thy Name, |
      andto the re | membranceof | thee.

Glory …


Suitable for use in penitential seasons

  1. Jesus, Saviour of the world,
    come to us | in your | mercy:
    we look to | you to | save and | help us.
  2. By your cross and your life laid down
    you set your | people | free:
    we look to | you to | save and | help us.
  3. When they were ready to perish you | savedyour dis | ciples:
    we look to | you to | come toour | help.
  4. In the greatness of your mercy, loose us | from our | chains,
    forgive the | sins of | all your | people.
  5. Make yourself known as our Saviour and | mightyDe | liverer;
    save and | help usthat | we may | praise you.
  6. Come now and dwell with us | Lord Christ | Jesus:
    hear our | prayerand be | with us | always.
  7. And when you | come inyour | glory:
    make us to be one with you
    and to share the life of your | kingdom. | A | men.
  1. BLESS THE LORDThe Song of the Three 29-34
    1. Bless the Lord the | God ofour | forebears,
      sing his | praiseand ex | alt himfor | ever.
    2. Bless his holy and | glorious | name,
      sing his | praiseand ex | alt himfor | ever.
    3. Bless him in his holy and | glorious | temple,
      sing his | praiseand ex | alt himfor | ever.
    4. Bless him who be | holds the | depths,
      sing his | praiseand ex | alt himfor | ever.
    5. Bless him seated be | tween the | cherubim,
      sing his | praiseand ex | alt himfor | ever.
    6. Bless him on the | throne ofhis | kingdom,
      sing his | praiseand ex | alt himfor | ever.
    7. Bless him in the | heights of | heaven,
      sing his | praiseand ex | alt himfor | ever.
    8. Bless the Father the Son and the | Holy | Spirit,
      sing his | praiseand ex | alt himfor | ever.
  2. GLORY AND HONOURRevelation 4: 11 and 5: 9, 10, 13b
    1. Glory and | honourand | power
      are yours by | right O | Lord our | God.
    2. For you cre | ated | all things
      and by your | will they | have their | being.
    3. Glory and | honourand | power
      are yours by | right O | Lambfor us | slain;
    4. For by your blood you ransomed | us for | God
      from every race and language
      from | every | peopleand | nation.
    5. To make us a | kingdom of | priests,
      to stand and | serve be | fore our | God.
    6. To him who sits on the throne and | to the | Lamb
      be praise and honour, glory and might,
      for ever and | ever. | A | men.
  3. THE SONG OF CHRIST’S GLORYPhilippians 2: 6-11
    1. Christ Jesus was in the | form of | God,
      but he did not | clingto e | qualitywith | God.
    2. He emptied himself, taking the | formof a | servant,
      and was | bornin our | human | likeness.
    3. And being found in human form he | humbledhim | self,
      and became obedient unto death, | even | deathon a | cross.
    4. Therefore God has | highlyex | alted him,
      and bestowed on him the | name above | every | name.
    5. That at the name of Jesus every | knee should | bow,
      in heaven and on | earth and | underthe | earth;
    6. and every tongue confess that Jesus | Christ is | Lord,
      to the glory of God the | Father. | A | men.
  4. THE SONG OF ISAIAHIsaiah 12: 2-6
    1. Surely God is | my sal | vation;
      I will | trust,and will | notbe a | fraid.
    2. for the Lord God is my | strengthand my | might;
      he has be | come | my sal | vation.
    3. With joy you will draw water from the | wells ofsal | vation.
      And you will say in that day:
      Give thanks to the | Lord, | call onhis | name;
    4. Make known his deeds a | mong the | nations;
      pro | claimthat his | name isex | alted.
    5. Sing praises to the Lord, for | he hasdone | gloriously;
      let this be | known in | all the | earth.
    6. Shout aloud and sing for joy, O | royal | Zion,
      for great in your midst is the | Holy | One of | Israel.
    7. Glory …
  5. THE SONG OF WISDOMWisdom 7: 26–8: 1
    1. Wisdom is the brightness of eternal light,
      the spotless mirror of God’s | power at | work,
      the | image | of God’s | goodness.
    2. Wisdom is but one, yet | she cando | all things;
      herself un | changing,she makes | all things | new.
    3. Age after age, she enters holy souls
      and makes them friends of | God, and | prophets,
      beloved of | God as | her com | panions.
    4. Wisdom is more beautiful | than the | sun,
      surpassing every constel | lation | of the | stars.
    5. Her radiance is greater than the | light of | day;
      for day’s light is | followed | by the | night.
    6. Against wisdom no | evilcan pre | vail;
      she reaches mightily from one end of the earth to the other,
      and | orders | all things | well.

Glory …

  1. ECCE NUNCPsalm 134
    1. Come bless the Lord, all you | servantsof the | Lord:
      you that by night | standin the | house ofthe | Lord.
    2. Lift up your hands toward the holy place and | bless the | Lord:
      may the Lord bless you from Zion,
      the | Lord whomade | heavenand | earth.

Glory …

    1. O sing unto the Lord a | new | song;
      for | he hathdone | marvellous | things.
    2. With his own right hand, and with his | holy | arm
      hath he | gottenhim | self the | victory.
    3. The Lord declared | his sal | vation;
      his righteousness
      hath he openly | showedin the | sight ofthe | heathen.
    4. He hath remembered his mercy and truth
      towards the | house of | Israel,
      and all the ends of the world have seen the sal | vation | of our | God.
    5. Show yourselves joyful unto the Lord, | all ye | lands:
      sing, re | joice and | give | thanks.
    6. Praise the Lord up | on the | harp:
      sing to the | harpwith a | psalm of | thanksgiving.
    7. With trumpets | alsoand | shawms,
      O show yourselves joyful be | fore the | Lord the | King.
    8. Let the sea make a noise, and all that | therein | is;
      the round world, and | they that | dwell there | in.
    9. Let the floods clap their hands,
      and let the hills be joyful together be | fore the | Lord;
      for he | cometh to | judge the | earth.
    10. With righteousness shall he | judge the | world,
      and the | people | with | equity.

Glory …

    1. God be merciful unto | us and | bless us;
      and shew us the light of his countenance, and be | merciful | unto | us,
    2. That thy way may be | known upon | earth,
      thy saving | health among | all | nations.
    3. Let the people | praise theeO | God,
      yea let | all the | people | praise thee.
    4. O let the nations re | joiceand be | glad;
      for thou shalt judge the folk righteously,
      and govern the | nationsup | on | earth.
    5. Let the people | praise theeO | God,
      yea, let | all the | people | praise thee.
    6. Then shall the earth bring | forth her | increase,
      and God, even our own God, shall | give us | his | blessing.
    7. God | shall | bless us;
      and all the | endsof the | world shall | fear him.

Glory …

  1. Hail, gladdening light, of his pure glory poured,
    Who is the immortal Father, heavenly, blest,
    Holiest of holies, Jesus Christ our Lord.
  2. Now we are come to the sun’s hour of rest.
    The lights of evening round us shine:
    We hymn the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit divine.
  3. Worthiest art thou at all times to be sung
    With undefiled tongue.
    Son of our God, giver of life, alone:
    Therefore in all the world thy glories, Lord, they own.